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Rae of Light Ministries

Group Sacred Ceremony Sat 4/6 (overnight), Ashland, OR (FULL waitlist only)

Ashland OR

This ceremony will be ministered by Shelleerae. Overnight group ceremony runs from 4:30pm to 11:00am the following morning (all participants are expected to stay for the entire duration until closing at 11am). This is one ceremony offered in a weekend of two ceremonies (Friday night...


Singing Circle Sun Apr 28, Ashland, OR

Ashland, OR Ashland, OR, United States

This singing circle will be ministered by Anu. The minimum requested donation for a singing circle is $75 and donations beyond that are welcome and appreciated. Participants are also requested to bring a light vegan, organic snack to share following the circle. This singing circle...


Executive Retreat May 31 – June 2

Aptos, CA

The Executive Retreat extends an exclusive invitation via CLG. These ceremonies, are held on Friday and Saturday nights; we ask that you commit to both ceremonies. The retreat offers an array of amenities: private sleeping quarters, exquisite meals, multiple integration support sessions, sauna, swimming, and...


Ayapassana Retreat Thurs Jul 4 – Mon Jul 8 in Ashland, OR (FULL – waitlist only)

Ashland OR

The Ayapassana Retreat is ministered by Shelleerae. Our annual Ayapassana Retreat is a special 5-day/4-night transformational experience combining sacred ceremonies and silent meditation. This unique spiritual retreat includes four sacred ceremonies; daily silent meditation; yin yoga; deliciously simple vegetarian meals; private time with facilitators for...

Group Sacred Ceremonies (overnight) Friday 7/26 and Saturday 7/27, Ashland, OR

Ashland OR

This ceremony will be ministered by Shelleerae. Overnight group ceremony runs from 4:30pm to 11:00am the following morning (all participants are expected to stay for the entire duration until closing at 11am). This is a weekend of two ceremonies (Friday night and Saturday night). Participating...


Executive Retreat September 6-8

Marshall, NC NC

The Executive Retreat extends an exclusive invitation via CLG. These ceremonies, are held on Friday and Saturday nights; we ask that you commit to both ceremonies. The retreat offers an array of amenities: private sleeping quarters, exquisite meals, multiple integration support sessions, sauna, swimming, and...

Sold Out $2,500.00