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Awakening Tips

Down the Rabbit Hole

Dear Blessed One,

Are you feeling a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole, or like Dorothy and wondering where the heck Kansas went? If not, you must have an incredible sense of balance, deep grounding, or perhaps powerful denial.

The energy shifting that is going on right now has many people in a dizzy-tizzy at times ~ self included. Hold onto your hats because it’s not over yet! As a matter of fact the energies will be accelerating throughout 2013.

During high energy times the veils get very thin and things may seem strange in your world. I’ve recently received spontaneous initiations from spirit and am now occasionally seeing dear ones from the other side show up during sessions with gifts and messages for my clients. Trippy.

The winds of great change are upon us. The planet and our souls are calling in higher consciousness here, steadily increasing our vibration. Denser energy (old emotional and physical wounds, shadow, etc) cannot withstand this new frequency and are up for feeling, healing, and release. I sense that whatever is in the way of our greater work and joy is being swept clean from our fields.

I’ve spoken to many who have changed jobs, careers, had relationship shifts, and let go of certain practices when they could no longer fight the pull of change. I’ve heard it said that when the pain of not changing becomes greater than the pain of changing, we change. I’ve also noticed this process tends to move much more quickly these days.

What’s the best way to get down a rabbit hole without injury, you ask? Free-fall ~ perhaps even grease yourself up and jump. I hear many are resisting the shifting or going into fear and running to doctors for a diagnosis or pills.

Some things I find helpful for me; barefeet on the earth, time in nature, grounding foods, exercise (just move your body), toning, fire breathing, primal screaming, and tuning into my inner world. I also visualize my light body expanding, it seems to give me more space to be here in a physical body.

A few signs of vibrational increase:
Restlessness, lack of focus
Sleep change ~ sleeping a lot or not much at all
Diet change
Seeing flashes of light
Senses super heightened ~ smell, hearing, taste, touch
Mood swings
Can’t track time
Heat bursts/pressure in heart
Love overflowing for all
Sudden shifts in preferences
High pitches/tones/knocking and/or pressure in your ears
Purging your space
Feeling overwhelmed for ‘no reason’
Kriyas (blasts of energy pulsing through the body causing it to convulse or shiver)
Feeling like you don’t belong here

The physical body will catch up as the energy integrates. Be with your experience as best you can. Do things that nurture you; baths, walks, snuggles, venting, etc.

And don’t forget, I’m happy to support you as you find your way to Oz, Wonderland, or some other destination! Skype makes it easy.

Much Love and Blessings to You,


The Impetus to Evolve

Dear Blessed One,

What an amazing and miraculous vehicle for life to move through, yes you, wow! Every movement, every breath, every moment is perfect, mhm, oh yes!

I’ve had many people ask me, “But what about the problems in life?”

Check in and see how you respond to life when difficult situations arise. Do you relegate difficulties as less important than the joys in life? Is there some idea or story that it should be different, that pain is not as valuable as peace?

Feel into the challenge and shine the light of awareness. Difficulties are precious pearls, gifts for us to receive. They are a magnificent part of this self-correcting system called life, and they are the impetus to evolve out of the amoeba pool.

Identification with story is the hamster wheel, creating a loop that keeps you trapped in the thought realm, causing more tension, contraction, and confusion. A story about what is arising is the necessary ingredient for a “problem”. A projection, conditioning, judgment, or labeling is what sustains it. Problems cannot survive in the present moment.

Check it out. See if you can notice resistance to the way life is presenting itself right now. Stop, take a breath, put awareness on your body and feel whatever you are feeling. Is there a problem without the story? Just here. Now.

You don’t have to write a new story about it, nor deny that you are being challenged with something difficult or painful. Just notice when the mind makes up a story about it and don’t take the bait.

Before getting sober in ’97, and then discovering that NOW is the only thing that is real (and everything else is a projection or the past), I had such a loud and constant-chattering committee in my head. It was comparing, criticizing, judging, blaming, and telling me how it’s always been or always will be.

I thought for sure I’d eventually go mad with all the noise, or that my brain would soon spontaneously combust. What happened was something closer to the latter. It finally just burned itself out. Everything got quiet. It did get louder before the pop though. However, I just kept tunneling into the body, no longer listening to the voices, and looking for an emotion or a physical feeling to put my awareness on.

See if you can move with the pressures of life as you would with an awkward dance partner. It’s okay to feel clumsy and uncoordinated. That’s actually a sign that something is shifting. Look for the sweet spot in the feeling of discomfort. It’s possible to feel comfortable with uncomfortableness.

Resting with life as it is, we become aware of the Peace that holds it all.

Much Love and Blessings to You,

“Sometimes you have to lose your mind before you come to your senses.”
~Peaceful Warrior

The Story of M-E

Dear Blessed One,

“Who would you be without me?” screams the ego (or at least incessantly chatters).

This mind-entity (m-e) has many people convinced that figuring it all out will finally bring an end to the cyclical question of “why”. However, “why” is ego-food. It’s the hamster-wheel. It’ll keep you churning and burning and even suffering because there is no answer to the question, not in a way that will satisfy the ego anyway. Figuring it out is the booby-prize. It’s not an authentic embodied experience of God here in form. It’s like finding the answer to an equation, useful for something but it’s not the philosopher’s stone. Um, so what if the square root of 81 is 9, are you at peace now? Have you discovered your purpose?

Mulling it over and over will continue to feed the beast, giving it more fuel to twist and turn while it looks for a new angle or perhaps the thing that it missed the last time around…

The gold is in the body. God, Creator, Life is here, and oh what an exciting, mysterious, and magical discovery when you become aware of that (and so natural)! We have a body for a reason; be here.

The mind is a tool and not the master. Artificial intelligence has taken over and is running the show in so many people. True Intelligence comes in through the door of stillness within the body; it is gentle and points rather than making demands or pushing the big red fear button.

The m-e has many very important things to keep you busy in the thought realm. Notice when the m-e is throwing you bait. Some of its flashy lures are you need, you should or shouldn’t, you have to, you can’t, why, you’ll never, if only, what if, and on and on.

As you begin bringing awareness into the body, the m-e may go into great fear and get even louder – it sure did with me. It was keeping me in a loop pattern, just hovering above the open runway of the heart. The never-ending-narrator had a story, definition, criticism, and judgment about everything, and was shouting it loudly.

When I was able to feel the pain of what I was going through at the time, I would drop out of the story of m-e and into the body. It was amazing to occasionally feel bliss or peace simultaneously with the pain I was experiencing. This was when I discovered that my body had a direct connection with God, that Spirit was here in form and not in some voice just outside of me.

Life is moving perfectly, doing what Life does, expanding and contracting, inhaling and exhaling, laughing and weeping, birthing and dying. The pounding I took from the m-e was necessary to finally crack the cosmic egg. Noticing the m-e and its insidiousness while keeping awareness on my body eventually released me from the m-e. Once I was freed from the babbling beast, Creative Inspiration was able to flow through me; the Infinite Love-Force that guides and holds and directs me was now in the commander’s seat and “I” rest easily as the co-pilot…whew, what an easier flight from this vantage point.

Keep it simple. When you can, notice the mind and it’s chatter, practice taking two conscious breaths while bringing awareness into that magnificent and beautiful body. Allow yourself a few moments of feeling deeply; 70 (or so) trillion cells are vibrating with God. Wow.

Much Love and Blessings to You,

“There is but one temple in this Universe: The Body. We speak to God whenever we lay our hands upon it.”
~Thomas Carlyle

Kundalini or The Brick Wall

Dear Blessed One,

Life has a way of clearing the path to God-realization in the most extraordinary ways!

Many of you are aware of the wild ride I’ve experienced to reach my current destination, which is not static, by the way. The only thing that is not in flux is the Peace that holds it all. I continue to notice and release old beliefs, feel and heal childhood wounds, deepen and expand. My most recent and exciting revelation is that freedom isn’t static either; there is freer than free.

When I woke up in 2008, I was struck with a great sense of freedom. My mind became very still (thoughts float by like silent clouds), I no longer identified with my past, and even though fear or sadness would occasionally creep in (and still does), there was no more suffering, only the feelings, and curiosity… where is this in my body, what exactly am I feeling, how can I give this even more space?

In the last couple of years, I’ve noticed that the freedom I was living had been stifled by defining it – “I am free.” I am freeing would be a more accurate statement. Isn’t that exciting?! It just keeps getting bigger and better!

Some of the ways that life brings these awarenesses can be quite challenging (and life has many ways of shifting us). One of the most common ways of clearing the path to your God-self is through patterns and repetition.

When I got sober in 1997, one of the first exercises life blessed me with was developing healthy boundaries. No better way to get really good at it but to be inundated with people who have poor boundaries. It was like hitting a brick wall over and over, until I finally noticed what life was teaching me: how to say no in a way that it could be heard clearly, and received. I didn’t have to look for the brick wall, brick walls have a way of finally getting one’s attention!

Another way of clearing the field is through kundalini awakening. As I briefly mentioned in my first book, it is not something I’d recommend to anyone. My first three kundalini awakenings were very painful, scary, and quite debilitating. I thought I might die. By the time I had my third one in March of 2011, I was in complete surrender to the fire ripping through me. Obviously I survived.

As I recovered from the blasts of liquid fire, the first thing I noticed was many buttons and triggers had been dissolved. I had a fourth kundalini experience January 1, 2013 and this time after the fire in my head calmed down, the energy was able to flow unimpeded up and down my spine and for the first time, it was quite pleasurable. The three previous big burns had cleared the path.

Kundalini or the brick wall? I didn’t consciously choose either, they chose me. I’m grateful for all the ways that life frees me from that which no longer serves.

As you continue to evolve and clear from your field the debris that stands in the way of knowing that you are already awake, a real conundrum for many people is how to rest and allow life to do what life does, and how to take action to speed things along.

Presence is my answer. Shine the light of awareness on this very moment. There is no moment in the future or the past that is more alive with God than this one. See if you are making this moment the means to an end. If you are, notice that and bring awareness back to the present moment ~ make it the end. Period. Just now. And now. It may sound trite, and there’s a reason it is so overused.

Much Love and Blessings to You,

“Man’s freedom is never in being saved troubles, but it is the freedom to take trouble for his own good, to make the trouble an element in his joy… that in pain is symbolised the infinite possibility of perfection, the eternal unfolding of joy.”
~Rabindranath Tagore

A Divine Mosaic

Dear Blessed One,

Holy, holy, holy. Life is so holy. All of it. Every bit.

When I awakened in August of 2008, one of the things I experienced was a life review. In the space of timelessness, I saw my whole life, in chronological order, flash before me. I was weeping; it was beyond beautiful. The whole thing was like a Divine Mosaic.

Every experience in my life, right up to that very moment, was divinely infused and an intricate part of the exquisite whole. In that eternal breath, I was freed from the story of me. All the pain, joy, abuse, love, failure, triumph, and judgment was perfect and absolutely necessary to land me in that pristinely flawless moment. I could see clearly that if one piece were out of place the whole dance, truly life as we knew it, would be changed. That’s how connected we are. Seriously. One move effects the whole.

Though much of the trauma in my life had healed at that point, it became evident to me that there was nothing to forgive. I saw that Life was moving on its own accord, naturally, and that my not being aware of the purpose of the horrible events in my past was part of the recipe for my evolution and eventual awakening.

This is not to condone abusive behavior, only to free oneself from the past, alleviate suffering, unhook from fear, and to bring awareness into the present moment. Resisting a wrong-doing only gives it power (what we resist persists); Jesus knew the truth of that.

Matthew 5:39 says…
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

An incredible musician I know had an experience a couple of weeks ago (the short version): At 4am a total stranger (drunk) walked in off the street into the house where she was staying, and into her bedroom. She was awake with a terrible stomachache, headache, and had herbal caps lodged in her throat causing difficulty swallowing and breathing.

BOOM. The nausea, etc, switched off like a lightswitch in the face of potential crisis. He stood staring at her, then shut the door behind him.

Suddenly her Higher Self jumped into action and she became the hostess with the mostess. She welcomed him, showered him with friendliness and love, and led him to the kitchen for ice cream. She conversed with him about the nature of life and death, and the purpose of life.

After long dialogue she escorted him to the door, gave him a hug and sent him on his way. Just moments before she was having a panic-attack about the fear of dying, and in walked an intruder who, as it turns out, was having the same. Giving him the advice she needed to hear most not only diffused a dangerous situation but also helped him on his path.

Each person comes into our life through the grace of God offering us a gift ~ to heal, to break our hearts wide open, to remember the truth of who we are. When we can drop into the body and feel the feelings that get stirred with each encounter, rather than feeding the frenzy by listening to the story, or adding to the pain body (as Eckhart Tolle calls it), release happens naturally and the original wound dissolves. At this point, growth, expansion, and awakening can occur.

Look for the gift Life is offering you in the moment.
– Is this an opportunity to feel and heal?
– To speak a truth in the face of fear?
– To listen deeply to another?
– To remember the divine perfection of life?

Is forgiveness a viable path? Yes absolutely, until you get to a place of seeing that it’s all holy, part of this sacred dance, and that there’s nothing to forgive.

Much Love and Blessings to You,

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”
~Mark Twain

Chrysalis to Butterfly

Dear Blessed One,

We are constantly being born. Each and every thing that comes to us is sent as a gift from the divine, to help us awaken, to assist us in remembering our true nature.

These “gifts” could be compared to hormones, which cause a reaction in our environment. Often these gifts do not feel “good”, and may very well look messy. They might push us to the very edge of who we think we are, and that’s their purpose. Our seed design needs this ‘outer provocation’ to stimulate transformation, the flowering of a new you, or rebirth.

See if you can free yourself from the story of the situations that are present and just feel the feelings that these things evoke.

Do you think the acorn screamed as it cracked open and began to sprout? Did the caterpillar panic when the hormone was excreted that began the process of chrysalis to butterfly? These events are programmed in the cells of the seed and embryo, and like you, in your soul.

The birthing process can look horrible to someone who does not understand what is happening. The outcome is miraculous. We only need remember to breathe, follow our inner knowing, feel the feelings, ride the waves, share deeply with another when we can, and remember the beauty of life and its amazing metamorphoses.

What if you were to ask yourself as you’re being challenged with a difficult situation if this is the hormone that stimulates the growth of adult cells and the programmed death of the larval cells? See if you can just be with all the movement in your body, and not go into a story about it, which perpetuates suffering. Feeling what gets triggered is the way through the difficulty.

If I’d known this while I was growing up, perhaps I wouldn’t have used drugs and alcohol for 27 years to cover up all the pain of the sexual and physical abuse that I endured for years as a young girl. But then, that wasn’t part of my soul seed. Life had something else in store for me, and for that I am grateful.

All the Power and Presence there is constantly bathes us in its ecstatic and eternal embrace ~ move through the rough spots and tap into your exquisite nature. ♥

Much Love and Blessings to You,

“Did the tomato seed stop to wonder why its life force was imprisoned in the molecules of a seed? Did it look forward to the time when the seed would die of old age and set its life force free? No, it realized instead that it was in the seed for a purpose, that through the seed it could work its way to full maturity, to full fruition. It realized that within the seed its divine pattern was contained.”
~Ruby Nelson

Watermelon Awareness

Dear Blessed One,

You don’t need to learn anything else to awaken, you are already awake. Unlearn what stands in the way of knowing that! Begin unraveling the tightly woven thought-webs that keep you seeking for You in another form. Yes, I know, but Matthew said, “seek, and ye shall find”, and at the risk of sounding heretical, I say stop seeking and ye shall find. Seek within is what I sense he was saying, that’s where someone else said the Kingdom of God is. 😉

The very act of reaching outward to find That which is here keeps you from recognizing It. In Psalms it says, “Be still and know that I am God.” So simple ~ and it works.

Be still, bring awareness into that amazing and beautiful body. Consciousness, Life, God, the Self is not somewhere else…notice what moves here in this form called you.

You are IT…or perhaps itting would be a better way of describing this movement. Life is fluid, constantly moving, changing, evolving, expanding, and experiencing through innumerable forms, all expressions of the whole.

There is no your life, or my life, there is only Life, life-ing here in these forms that seem so separate. You standing up and saying “my life”, would be like one cell in the body doing the same. You are part of the whole, just as much as one cell is part of the whole body, while in and of itself, whole.

Dive in, deeply, to the depths of what you call “I”. Feel into all the nooks and crannies of the emotional body. Dance with the edges, feel into the triggers, and go even deeper. The mind wants to figure it all out, and the gold is in the body.

Every time you feel all the way through something that gets stirred in your emotional body, or triggered in your physical body, you are giving awareness to an old, stored, unfinished owie, something that was repressed for whatever reason. Allowing yourself to feel it now, heals and integrates that original wound, and brings more of you online. Cool, huh? Not always easy though.

A simple example of a frozen experience…
I know someone who to this day says he doesn’t like watermelon. I remember how he decided that. He loved watermelon when we were young, watermelon and kids can be very messy though. He was scolded for making a mess one time too many and eventually turned down watermelon when it was offered. I remember feeling sad about that because I knew how much he really liked it. Watermelon awareness may not be standing in the way of him recognizing the Truth of who he is, it is however an energy leak; energy is being used to keep that one at bay.

What lingers in the bowels of your being?

Even with all the work many of us have done, there is still much to resolve for most of us, keep going, don’t ever stop, it’s so worth it!

Much Love and Blessings to You,

That is the whole.
This is the whole.
From wholeness emerges wholeness.
Wholeness coming from wholeness,
wholeness still remains.

~Isa Upanishad

When God Whispers

Dear Blessed One,

Just a couple of years ago, I went into off-and-on moments of money-panic as I was very quickly depleting my small savings to pay the bills. The voices from well-meaning loved ones were saying things like, “Don’t you think it’s time to get a job?” and “Minimum wage somewhere is better than nothing.”

However, the Voice within kept whispering, “Wait.” I questioned that inner voice a number of times asking it how long I was supposed to wait, and how many things I was meant to sell before something shifted for me. I’d been waiting four years at that point.

Following fear, I finally went and interviewed for a job, more than qualified, and was offered my choice of four positions in the company. As I was going through the interview process, it felt as if a boulder had landed in my belly. My body contracted at the thought of working for this company (which sold many food items I would never consider eating or offering to someone else), and the inner voice was no longer a whisper but now a deep urging to wait.

I stopped. Yes, at times I can still move in a direction that is counter to where my inner guidance is leading me, but I can’t do it unconsciously anymore. This felt like Life deepening my level of trust and I sensed that it was very important to be still and listen to it.

Almost another whole year passed before things began to change. If I’d been working forty to fifty hours a week at a job, I probably would not have accomplished all the inner work that happened over these years. My trust in Divine Guidance would not have grown as it has (which expanded my ability to work with others), and discovering this deep groundedness in the certainty of life’s natural flow may also have alluded me.

I’ve done a lot of inner work over the last fifteen+ years; these last six have been the most exciting, challenging, and grace-filled of them all. I could not be more grateful that I continued to wait, as requested.

When God whispers, I know it’s in my best interest to listen. The ego is the voice of the conditioned mind, the past, fear. We learn how to listen to our deepest calling by bouncing back and forth between the two. The bruises that occur from following fear are not a punishment from life, they are pointers, guiding us Home.

Body awareness, heart guidance, and listening in are ways to discern between fear and Guidance. A simple way to develop your listening skills:

– Sit still with a decision and bring awareness into the body by focusing on the heart, belly, or breath.
– Notice what happens in the body when you make a decision. It might sound like, “I’m going to accept this job offer.”
– Do you feel contraction or heaviness in the body or do you feel a lightness or excitement?
– Change it and say, “I’m going to pass on this job offer.” Again, notice what happens.

Our bodies are so wise ~ it’s where the Divine guides us. The mind is conditioned and directs us from the past. The mind leading the way is like artificial intelligence taking over. The mind is meant to assist, not lead.

Practice dropping into the body, following your deepest knowing, it’s where the Juice is.

Much Love and Blessings to You,

“Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen to them.”
~Shakti Gawain

Derail That Train

Dear Blessed One,

Are you doing with your focus on an outcome? How would it be to just BE with the doing, fully, and completely present in the moment? See if you can let go of the desired outcome and move with the inner impulse of Life once you’ve set your intention. Notice when you jump into the future following some belief, dream, or fear.

You can examine and challenge beliefs. They are not your own anyway. Your thoughts are not your own. They are leftovers from many generations and they’ve been spoon-fed to you since the day you were born.

None of what you believe is an original thought, it all comes from the past. The good news is it’s not hard-wired. Look at what causes you to freeze, judge, reject, react, etc and ask if that belief serves you (or the world) in any way, if not, thank it and say goodbye to it.

Yes, neurons that fire together wire together, however you can begin dissolving neuro-nets by confusing the program. Throw a wrench into the works by doing something completely different when you notice a pattern…

– jumping jacks while counting backwards
– sing, even if it’s as simple as Happy Birthday
– run splash cold water on your face
– dance

Every moment is simply the effect of the last moment. What are you creating right now? Our lives are the outcome of the thoughts we’ve bought into. Can you just notice the thoughts as they arise without following them? When you get on the thought-train, it can take you for a very long ride out of the present moment, which is the only thing that is real. It’s also the only place you can know the truth of who you are.

Everything outside of this very moment is a projection based on what we’ve collected from the past. It is possible to derail that train.

Do you have a belief that you have fear? Did you know that the physiological response in the body is the same for excitement as it is for fear? So what if fear is just misunderstood excitement? The only real difference is the expected outcome. When focus is in the moment and not in some projected future (the expected outcome), is it possible to redefine that aroused energy as excitement rather than fear? I’ve found it’s much easier to move forward with excitement as my fuel. I sense you will too.

Throw the switch, derail that train, you may be surprised with what you find.

Much Love and Blessings to You,

Let life be with you, not against you. If you think “My life will be upside down” don’t worry. How do you know down is not better than upside?
~Shams Tabrizi

Fierce Heart

Dear Blessed One,

Are you ready for change? Will change mean letting go of something? What are you afraid of? Losing someone, or something? Not-knowing what the new life will look like? Change for most of us means letting go of what no longer serves our highest good…often the past.

Letting go of the past does not mean that you’re in agreement with it, that you like it, or that it didn’t happen. Allowing the past to stay in the past only means that you are no longer willing to let it taint your present experience.

Even something as “minor” as the argument you may have had this morning can create a feeling of heaviness later. It’s important to feel all the feelings that get stirred up, and talk about it (when you can) until the charge is gone. This creates healing, integration, deepening, and there is less chance of it leaving residue to be triggered by something else.

Fifteen years ago when I got sober, I remember struggling with how to live a happy, productive, and free life when everywhere I turned, the life I was living looked like hell. I didn’t know that I was all tangled up in a web of blame, anger, shame, and pain. The mess of my past was just recycling and validating the mess of my present, making me right over and over again about what an awful life I was trapped in. I used to cry out to a God that I hated to ‘please just take me now because life is not worth living!’

The quandary I was facing was that I was mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually abused for many years as a young girl, and it was affecting my self-esteem, self-worth, and relationships. However, if I moved on from the wreckage of my past, what would that mean?! Who’s to take responsibility for my dysfunctional way of living? Will moving on, no longer crying “victim”, mean I’m okay with what happened? Will it look like I’m giving it the ole thumbs-up? Will I have to take full responsibility for my life today? That might mean I will no longer be able to use my past as the reason for my life being such a mess, and it is such a mess, and it’s not MY fault! Who to blame? Oh, the immense internal pressure I was feeling…

With curiosity, and desperation, something was able to leak into my consciousness (enough pressure and a fissure is bound to happen). I began challenging the way I was operating, first with baby steps and timidness, and then with a fierce heart, not letting myself consciously get away with anything. I began asking a lot of questions when the story of victim would arise. Things like:

– Whose voice is this?
– Is this belief keeping me trapped?
– Does this belief create lightness or heaviness in my body?
– Does this serve me in some positive or negative way?
– How can I move forward with this wound from my past and am I willing to do so?
– What would life look like if I no longer told myself this story?
– What positive, nurturing thing can I do for myself right now to feed self-love?
– How can I allow my painful history to be the catalyst for strength and courage today, rather than an immobilizer?

It wasn’t easy moving on from the blame game. I had deep sadness, and white-hot rage that needed to be felt. I must have cried an ocean of tears. I also hung a punching bag and at times bloodied my knuckles while feeling into the anger that was trapped in my body and energy field. This combined with support from others who had risen like a phoenix from the ashes, began my journey of healing, integration, and eventually living a balanced, and free life.

Bringing my attention to the present moment over and over was a powerful way for me to move out of the story of my past. Being present with what I was doing in the moment, whether it was preparing a meal, or taking a walk, kept all the insidious little voices from luring me into my story of woe.

Eventually, the identification with my past dissolved. When the line to that anchor was cut loose, the freedom and excitement I began to feel about life was immeasurable.

Oh what a Mystery…

Much Love and Blessings to You,

“You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being — not because anybody says so, not because you’re successful, not because you make a lot of money — but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason.”
~Wayne Dyer